We have put together some useful questions & answers for your information
We have put together some useful questions & answers for your information
Our staff are all qualified from a level 2 up to level 5 NVQ status. You will recognise staff by the colour of their tops:
Burgandy – Managers
Purple – Deputy managers
Pink – Room Leaders
Green – Level 3
Blue – Level 2
We also employ apprentices that you may see in different rooms and they will be wearing tabards.
Both Managers have level 4 and above qualifications, our room leaders are level 3 and above. All staff attend and are up to date with first aid, food hygiene & safeguarding practices.
All staff employed by Oak House are subject to a DBS (disclosure barring service) carried out on the information supplied to us.
We also require information for two references to be completed & ask to see certificates of all relevant qualifications.
We offer both 2 year funded as well as 3 & 4 year funded spaces for eligible children.
They are offered at certain hours throughout the day;
1-4pm for 2 year funded children
9-12am, 1-4pm & 4-7pm (extended funding) for 3 and 4 year funded children.
For more information please ask a member of the management team.
Here at Oak House we have an under 2 room, 2-3 room & pre-school.
Our under two room can take up to 12 children per session and we have a ratio of 1:3.
Our 2-3 room can take up to 28 children per session and we have a ratio of 1:4.
Our pre-school room can take up to 40 children per session and we have a ratio of 1:8.
On your settling in sessions your child will be allocated a key person which will be a staff member working within your child’s room.
They will build a secure relationship with your child and it will be their responsibility to complete a learning journey for your child.
A learning journey is a scrap book/catalogue of all your child’s achievements, charting their development, observations and photographic evidence of their time here at Oak House. You are welcome to ask to see this learning journey at any time.
On average a member of staff (dependant on what room they are based in) can have up to twelve key children.
To continue to assess the setting our staff carry out daily risk assessments in each room. These checks are carried out at the start of the morning session, start of the afternoon session & at the end of the day.
We have a fire alarm test every term and all break glass is tested once a week.
Each room will have weekly plans for the room that are age appropriate – please ask a staff member where these are displayed.
The planning both inside and outside is completed by a staff member and this will be based on observations, using next steps and subjects a child may be showing an interest in, seasonal festivals and celebrations, covering all areas of development set out within the EYFS.
From breakfast through to supper your child will be provided with a healthy balanced meal choice.
The meals are freshly prepared on site by our house keeper and a menu plan is in place.
Please inform staff of any allergies or dietary requirements.
We require all staff, volunteers and students to use positive strategies for handling any unwanted behaviour, by helping children find solutions in ways which are appropriate for the children’s ages and stages of development.
Please refer to our behaviour policy.
Fees are due monthly in advance and are emailed over to yourself or if requested printed ready for collection from the office.
All sessions will include a snack/meal and our prices can be found on our sessions and prices page.
Fees can be paid either by cash or bank transfer (bank details can be found on your invoice). We accept a number of voucher schemes and also Tax free child vouchers.
You can also visit https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk for advice on assistance with child care costs.
Our current Ofsted rating is ‘Good’. Please follow this link to read the full report https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50252555