“Hello and welcome to the 2-3’s group. We have lots of fun and there is lots to do to occupy inquisitive little minds!
We have two groups within this age range, Tweenies (2-2.5 years) and Kindergarten (2.5-3 years), who have free flow across two or three rooms (depending on the group), including our art rooms where we can get very messy and enjoy playing with playdough, painting, water play, drawing and sticking, as well as other fun craft activities. Our main play room is for our role play and small world activities, reading and literacy activities and construction. In these rooms we have a large variety of toys and activities which help us with our learning and imaginative play. We also have circle time each day where we sing, read stories, dance and talk about our interests.
The Kindergarten group is for the children who are 2.5-3 years old; the year before they go into our pre-school building.
The term after your child turns three years old we introduce them to Montessori activities. They will begin to have daily Montessori taster lessons where, in small groups, the children get the opportunity to learn and use Montessori equipment, using gross and fine motor skills whilst gaining independent self-help skills. Your child will have free choice of the activities on the shelves and will receive one to one teaching when learning how to use activities and develop new skills.
We teach and encourage children’s independence which prepares and helps them as they grow older.”